
Defines functions vital_death_non_aids

#' @export
vital_death_non_aids <- function(dat,at)
  #Description: daily probability of dying for HIV- based on input ASMR values scaled to daily timesteps.
  #-- kills off people based on annual ASMR or those that have reached 
  #-- maximum model age
  #-- ASMR is scaled to timestep of model
  # Inputs: dat$attr$active, dat$pop$Status, dat$pop$age, dat$param$mort_per_timestep, 
  # Outputs: dat$popsumm$natural_deaths, dat$pop$Status, dat$attr$status_evo,
  # dat$attr$active, dat$pop$Time_Death
  active <- which(dat$attr$active == 1)
  active_evo <- which(dat$pop$Status>=0)
  #get ages
  ages <- trunc(dat$pop$age[active_evo])
  ix_ages <- match(ages,dat$param$min_age:(dat$param$max_age-1))
  ix_female <- which(dat$pop$sex[active_evo]=="f")
  ix_male <- which(dat$pop$sex[active_evo]=="m")
  death_vec <- numeric(length(active_evo))
    death_vec<- dat$param$mort_per_timestep_male[ix_ages]
    death_vec[ix_male]<- dat$param$mort_per_timestep_male[ix_ages[ix_male]]
    death_vec[ix_female]<- dat$param$mort_per_timestep_female[ix_ages[ix_female]]
  #index of agents: total natural deaths: daily death rates plus beyond model age range
  nat_deaths <- which(runif(length(active)) <= death_vec )
  # evonet, epimodel/network bookkeeping
  if(length(nat_deaths)>0) {
    ix1 <- active_evo[nat_deaths]
    dat$pop$Status[active_evo][nat_deaths] <- (-1)
    dat$attr$status_evo[active][nat_deaths] <- (-1)
    dat$attr$active[active][nat_deaths] <- 0
    dat$pop$Time_Death[active_evo][nat_deaths] <- at
    #modify network
    dat <- EpiModel:::terminate_vertices(dat = dat,
                                         at = at,
                                         vids.to.terminate = active[nat_deaths])
    #end of bookkeeeping if natural deaths occur
EvoNetHIV/Herbeck-et-al-Vaccine-201x documentation built on Sept. 5, 2020, 12:32 p.m.