Man pages for Extreme-Mildness/GT.Tools
A Package for Generating and Displaying Normal Form Games

allmaxFind all maxima
checkNashPure Nash checker
checkNash.2Pure Nash checker (special)
domGameDominant strategy game generator
Game-classNew class for games
iesdsGameIESDS game generator
mixedGameMixed strategy game generator
mixedVecVector modification for mixedGame.R
nashGameNash game generator
normalGameNormal form representation
normalGame2Normal form representation (for Shiny)
normalTexGameTeX output of a game
solutionHTMLHTML output of a game solution
TeXrow.ATeX row (A)
TeXrow.BTeX row (B)
Extreme-Mildness/GT.Tools documentation built on May 3, 2019, 8:31 p.m.