Man pages for FASTGenomics/r_client
Manage FASTGenomics Instances

accept_offerAccept an offer
connectGet a FastGenomics connection object to a specific...
connect_with_bearer_tokenGet a FastGenomics connection object to a specific...
connect_with_pat_insecureGet a FastGenomics connection object to a specific...
create_analysis_templateA helper function that creates a template for the analysis....
create_appCreates a new app
create_datasetCreates a new dataset on fastgenomics
create_dataset_dfSubmits a data set from a sparse matrix of dgTmatrix type and...
create_dataset_from_seuratUploads a seurat dataset.
create_shareCreate a new share
create_workflowCreates a new workflow on the server.
decline_offerDecline an offer
delete_appDelete an app. This will fail if the app is used in any...
delete_datasetDeletes a single data set.
delete_shareDelete a share
delete_workflowDelete a specific workflow.
download_datasetDownloads the whole dataset content as a zip file to the...
FGConnectionA FGConnection
FGDatasetUploadParametersGet the optional parameters to create a dataset
FGErrorModelResponse-classValidation error
FGErrorResponse-classUnexpected server error
FGResponse-classA FG response after a successful request
FGValidationProblemResponse-classEncapsulates RFC 7807 Problem details, with the errors field...
get_appGet an app
get_appsGet all apps
get_datasetGet a specific dataset
get_datasetsGet all datasets
get_edit_model_of_workflowGet a specific workflow as an editable model
get_known_defaultsGet a list of all known defaults
get_offerGet an offer
get_offersGet up to 100 offers from the client
get_shareGet a share
get_sharesGet all shares
get_valid_gene_nomenclaturesGet a list of all supported gene nomenclatures
get_valid_matrix_formatsGet a list of all supported matrix formats
get_valid_technologiesGet a list of all supported technologies
get_workflowGet a specific workflow
get_workflowsGet all workflows
modify_datasetModify the data set metadata
modify_workflowModifies an existing workflow
parse_responseParses a raw httr response into an FGResponse representing an...
poll_analysis_until_completedWaits for analysis to complete.
poll_app_until_validatedWaits for the validation of the app to complete.
poll_dataset_until_validatedWaits for the validation of the dataset to complete.
revoke_shareRevoke a share for a recipient
run_analysisThis function orders an analysis to run on FASTGenomics....
save_workflow_as_fileSaves the JSON of a workflow as a file
FASTGenomics/r_client documentation built on June 25, 2019, 12:12 a.m.