Man pages for FCrSTATS/fc.rstats
A package with various functions that help people working with OPTA and ChyronHego data

add_attacking_directionAdd the attacking direction to events
add_CH_originConvert the pass origin from OPTA to ChyronHego spec
add_pass_targetConvert the pass destination from OPTA to ChyronHego spec
add_TimeSyncAdd a TimeSync variable
create_CH_pitchCreate a Pitch ready for Chyronhego data
create_OPTA_pitchCreate a Pitch ready for OPTA data
parse_CH_metadataParse an ChyronHego Metadata File
parse_f24Parse an OPTA f24 Files
parse_f24_multipleParse Multiple OPTA f24 Files
parse_f7Parse an OPTA f7 Files
parse_f7_multipleParse Multiple OPTA f7 Files
parse_trackingParse an ChyronHego Tracking Data File
FCrSTATS/fc.rstats documentation built on July 18, 2019, 5:08 a.m.