knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)


The following data is defined in the help for mtcars.

mtcars2 <- within(mtcars, {
   vs <- factor(vs, labels = c("V", "S"))
   am <- factor(am, labels = c("automatic", "manual"))
   cyl  <- ordered(cyl)
   gear <- ordered(gear)
   carb <- ordered(carb)

Now work the simple entropies for that.

raw.entropies(mtcars2)#should return an error!

The problem with this dataset is that there is only one observation per group of discrete variables. This makes it impossible to estimate the entropy for 1-KNN which returns -Inf.

Another test on Iris

Iris only has one discrete component, hence it is not a very complex example of estimation.

First analyze the continuous component.

# Select only the continuous component
X <- iris %>% select_if(function(x) is.double(x))

Then analyze the discrete component.

X <- iris %>% select_if(function(x) !is.double(x))

Next just analyze everything.

X <- iris

We can also do it with other datasets which are a mix of categorical and numerical observations. But NOT with EVERY dataset. Some are just not observations of a process, but data tables.

raw.entropies(mtcars2)#Will raise an error due to too few observations

Yet others do not have enough observations for the combinatorial entropy estimator for uniform distributions.

# X <- Ionosphere
thisCmap <- sapply(Ionosphere,function(x) is.numeric(x))
print(sprintf("There are %d continuous and %d discrete features", 
      sum(thisCmap), sum(!thisCmap)))
# sum(thisDmap)
# # To test multivariate.grid
# X <- Ionosphere[!thisDmap]
# IndepTest::KLentropy(
    # multivariate.grid(Ionosphere[!thisDmap],type="uniform"),
    # k=10
    # )$Unweighted[1]/log(2)

A good point to go on exploring would be to go to the vignettes on the SMET and CMET whose datasets have mixes of discrete and continuous data.

Testing the joint entropies

In the following use cases we test primitive raw.jentropies

A first case just test iris against iris, to see how much information is there in this null transformation

First compare with raw.entropies on two copies of iris and a single copy.

X <- iris
Y <- iris
# Since R will not allow these two to be column-bound, we modify their colnames to make them unique in this context of cbind.
colnames(X) <- map_chr(colnames(X), function(x) sprintf("x%s", x))
colnames(Y) <- map_chr(colnames(Y), function(y) sprintf("y%s", y))
XY <- cbind(X,Y)
bed <- raw.entropies(XY) 
#compare to the basic iris entropy
comparison <- 
        cbind(dname="iris", raw.entropies(iris)),
        cbind(dname="double iris", bed)


Next compare on the joint entropies to see how this affects M_P_X and VI_P_X.

X <- iris
Y <- iris
jed <- raw.jentropies(X,Y)
# Some checks
print(mutate(jed, balance=DeltaH_P + VI_P + M_P))

Session information


FJValverde/entropies documentation built on Oct. 12, 2023, 10:17 p.m.