
Defines functions get_available_versions

Documented in get_available_versions

#' Get available versions of the FORCIS database
#' @description
#' Gets all available versions of the FORCIS database by querying the Zenodo API
#' (\url{https://developers.zenodo.org}).
#' @return A `data.frame` with three columns:
#'   - `publication_date`: the date of the release of the version
#'   - `version`: the label of the version
#'   - `access_right`: is the version open or restricted?
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Attach the package ----
#' library("forcis")
#' # Versions of the FORCIS database ----
#' get_available_versions()

get_available_versions <- function() {

  ## Retrieve information ----
  meta <- get_metadata()
  meta <- meta$"hits"$"hits"$"metadata"
  ## Clean output ----
  meta <- data.frame("publication_date" = meta$"publication_date",
                     "version"          = meta$"version",
                     "access_right"     = meta$"access_right")
  meta <- meta[order(as.Date(meta$"publication_date"), decreasing = TRUE), ]
  rownames(meta) <- NULL
FRBCesab/forcis documentation built on Oct. 25, 2024, 9:26 a.m.