#' Check Protected Planet API Token
#' This function checks if the user has stored a valid Protected Planet API
#' token in the R environment file (`.Renviron`).
#' @param key a character providing the WDPA token name stored in the
#' `.Renviron` file. Default is `WDPA_KEY`.
#' @return A vector of length one with the value of the API token.
#' @details Before using this package for the first time, the user must follow
#' these steps:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Fill in the form available at:
#' \url{https://api.protectedplanet.net/request} to obtain a personal
#' API token;
#' \item Store the token in the `.Renviron` file under the key `WDPA_KEY`.
#' User can use the function `usethis::edit_r_environ` to open this
#' file;
#' \item Restart R.
#' }
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ## Check if Protected Planet API token is stored ----
#' worldpa::get_token()
#' }
get_token <- function(key = "WDPA_KEY") {
wdpa_token <- Sys.getenv(key)
if (wdpa_token == "") {
stop("Missing WDPA API Token.\n",
"Please make sure you:\n",
" 1. have completed this form ",
"<https://api.protectedplanet.net/request> ",
"to get your own token, and\n",
" 2. have stored the value in the `.Renviron` file with the name ",
response <- httr::GET(wdpa_fullurl("test?token=", wdpa_token))
if (response$"status" == 401) {
stop("Invalid WDPA API Token.\n",
"Please make sure you:\n",
" 1. have completed this form ",
"<https://api.protectedplanet.net/request> ",
"to get your own token, and\n",
" 2. have stored the value in the `.Renviron` file with the name ",
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