Man pages for Famguy/rgoodreads
Client for the Goodreads API

authorQuery author from the Goodreads API
author_by_nameQuery author by name from the Goodreads API
bookQuery book from the Goodreads API
book_by_isbnQuery book from the Goodreads API by ISBN
book_by_titleQuery book from the Goodreads API by title
goodreads_GETParse the results of a Goofreads API query into a data.frame.
group_searchSearch for groups from the Goodreads API
recent_reviewsQuery recent reviews from the Goodreads API
reviewQuery review from the Goodreads API
userQuery users from the Goodreads API
Famguy/rgoodreads documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:09 p.m.