Man pages for Famondir/birtms
Creates and analyses Bayesian IRT models

aggregate_warningsAggregates identical warnings Used to get a warning only once...
birtmBayesian item response theory modeler
birtm_aioAll-in-one bayesian item response theory modeler
build_formulaBuilds a brmsformula
calc_latent_regression_coefs_distributionCalculates distribution of latent regression coefficients
calc_latent_regression_coefs_point_estimatorCalculates point estimate of latent regression coefficients
calc_personresponsedataCalculate person response data
calculate_odds_ratioOdds ratio Calculates the odds ratio for the posterior...
calculate_odds_ratio_parallelOdds ratio parallel Calculates the odds ratio for the...
check_and_set_specificationsChecks model specifications and possibly adds standard...
check_n_nodesChecks marginal loglik for different numbers of nodes
compose_datasetComposes dataset
contingency2successratioCalculate successes per sample and sample sizes from...
count_for_itempair_orCreates contingency table counts for item pair based odds...
custom_skimSkim table
data_spmEvaluated answers for 499 persons of the SPM-LS
dens_sj_boundedDensity with SJ-bandwidth method also suitable for bounded...
get_modeGet mode
get_orSummarises Odds Ratio statistic Returns odds ratio values for...
get_or_distributionGet odds ratio distribution
get_postdataGenerates a list of posterior predictions and probabilities
get_ppmccriteriaCalculates posterior predictive check for specific criteria
get_ppmcdatasetsGenerates data for posterior predictive model checks
get.sizePrints size of object in MB
hdi_mueller_boundedHDI suitable also for bounded densities based on Mueller 94
hdi_sj_boundedHDI suitable also for bounded densities based on SJ banswidth...
hsm_hdi_muellerbMode via hsm and HDI also for bounded densities define a...
hsm_hdi_sjbMode via hsm and HDI also for bounded densities define a...
ICC_checkPlots ICC for an item
list2arrayFunction to convert a list of dataframes to a 3D array All...
loo_marginalCaclulates marginal loo
make_responsedata_widerMake response data wider Transforms dataset from a brmsfit...
marginal_loglikmarginal_loglik Calculates the marginal loglikelihood for an...
median_hdi_muellerbMedian and HDI also for bounded densities with Mueller94...
median_hdi_sjbMedian and HDI also for bounded densities with expanded SJ...
new_birtmsfitCreated a birtmsfit from brms fit by adding specs
or_ci_bayesCalculates CI for Odds Ratio bayesian way Extracted from...
or_ci_uncondWrapper to get bayesian CI for OR
or_ci_woolfCalculates CIs for Odds ratio with Woolfs method
or_distribution_bayesGet the odds ratio distribution combines prior with actual...
or_limits_irtCalculate Odds Ratio Limits for IRT models Calculates limits...
or.simSimulate Odds Ratio distribution Extracted from...
override_standard_specificationsAugmants the standard specifications with user specifications
pipePipe operator
plot_check_n_nodesPlots the marginal loglik and number of problematic pareto k...
plot_fit_statisticDensityplots of posterior predicitve checks
plot_itemparameterPlots cateye or dot plots for item parameters
plot_or_heatmapOdds ratio heatmap
plot_personresponsefunctionPLots person response functions
plot_ppmc_distributionPlot PPMC parameter distributions
plot_ppmc_or_heatmapPPMC Odds ratio heatmap Prints a heatmap of odds ratio...
plot_ppmc_ridgesPlot multiple PPMC parameter distributions Deprecated!
plot_wrightmapPlots a wrightmap
posterior_epred_longExpected Values of the Posterior Predictive Distribution in...
posterior_predictive_values_longReturns posterior predictive values in long format
posterior_predict_longSamples from the Posterior Predictive Distribution in long...
print.birtmsdataPrint birtms data Prints data as a tibble but prints...
R2_latentBayesian kind of R.squared
rep_dataframeRepeat dataframe Repeats rows in dataframe n times (where n...
set_person_groupingCombines hierarchy and DIF specifications for person...
timeitTakes time of a process using tictoc package
unnest.birtmsdataUnnest for birtmsdata Preserves additional attributes of...
Famondir/birtms documentation built on Feb. 18, 2022, 2:51 a.m.