Man pages for FedericoComoglio/Rknots
Topological Analysis of Knotted Proteins, Biopolymers and 3D Structures

accessorsAccessors for the 'points3D' and 'ends' slots of a Knot...
AlexanderBriggsAlexander-Briggs reduction of a polygonal knot or link
centroidClosureStructure closure with the centroid method
closeAndProjectClose the protein backbone and perform a Principal Component...
computeInvariantCompute an invariant of an object of class 'Knot'
findGapsFind gaps in proteins based on euclidean distance between...
getKnotTypeGiven a polynomial invariant, obtain information on the knot...
HOMFLY2mirrorConvert the HOMFLY polynomial of a knot into the polynomial...
HOMFLYpolynomialCompute the HOMFLY polynomial of a polygonal link
intersectionMatrixCompute the intersection matrix of a polygonal link
Knot-classClass "Knot" - a container for knot and link coordinates and...
linkingNumberCompute the linking number of a polygonal link
link.tableThree dimensional coordinates and separators of polygonal...
loadProteinImport a pdb file or fetch it from the Protein Data Bank....
makeExampleKnotRandomly select a knot or a link from the local repository
makeExampleProteinLoad the coordinates of a protein structure used in many of...
msrMinimal Structure Reduction
mVACompute the multivariable Alexander polynomial of a polygonal...
newKnotCreate a Knot object
PCAProjectionTwo-dimensional projection by Principal Component Analysis
plotPlot the diagram of a Knot object.
plot3D3D plot of an object of class 'Knot'
plotDiagramPlot a knot or a link diagram
plotKnot3D3D plot of a polygonal link
polyConversionConvert the HOMFLY polynomial into the Alexander or Jones...
printprint the content of the slots of a Knot object.
reduceStructureStructure reduction of an object of class 'Knot'
Rknots-internalInternal Rknots functions
Rknots-packageRknots: topological characterization of knotted 3D structures...
rMatrixRotation matrix along the z axis
Rolfsen.tableKnots (up to 10 crossings) three dimensional coordinates,...
settersSetters for the 'points3D' and 'ends' slots of a Knot object.
skeinIteratorIterate the skein relation to build a skein tree of a...
FedericoComoglio/Rknots documentation built on May 6, 2019, 4:35 p.m.