
The goal of FerrenaSCRNAseq is to aid with QC, preprocessing, and analysis of scRNAseq data.


You can install from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


This package works with Seurat objects.

The core function is called FerrenaSCRNAseq::autofilter(). This function selects poor quality cells that are outliers relative to the rest of the data.

See ?FerrenaSCRNAseq::automatedfiltering()

### quick run ###
# sobj is a seurat object

# identify outliers
af <- autofilter(sobj)

# get high quality cells
goodcells <- af$cellstatus[af$cellstatus$filteredout==F,"barcodes"]

# filter the seurat object for the high quality cells
sobj <- sobj[,goodcells]

I recommend doing this as a first step, before other filtering. After removal of poor quality outlier cells, you should then do (or re-do) any processing: HVG detection, PCA, graph building, clustering etc.

View details of filtering

### calculate % mito content and % hemoglobin
# good to do it beforehand, but the pipeline does it internally if you don't

mito.features <- grep(pattern = "^mt-", x = rownames(x = sobj), value = TRUE, = T)
sobj[["percent.mito"]] <- Seurat::PercentageFeatureSet(sobj, features = mito.features)

#percent.hemoglobin, by default checks all mouse/human hemoglobin genes
sobj[["percent.hemoglobin"]] <- FerrenaSCRNAseq::calculate_percent.hemoglobin(sobj)

#detect the outliers
af <- autofilter(sobj)

#see the classification as outlier or not for each cell, 
# it also shows the reason each cell may have been called an outlier
head( af$cellstatus )

# check the complexity filtering step

#check lower lib size cutoff step
# with the baseline UMI cutoff, this may not remove many or even remove none at all

# check the percent mito step

#filter out the outliers
goodcells <- af$cellstatus[af$cellstatus$filteredout==F,"barcodes"]
sobj <- sobj[,goodcells]

DoubletFinder Wrapper for automated doublet calling

I use DoubletFinder a lot, so I added a wrapper of DoubletFinder

It assumes processing with SCT. It also uses an estimated doublet rate from 10X genomics,

see ?FerrenaSCRNAseq::dratedf and (

This table is accurate as of 2022 Feb 09.

## preprocess with SCT and cluster ##
suppressWarnings(sobj <- Seurat::SCTransform(sobj, verbose = T, method="glmGamPoi"))

sobj <- Seurat::RunPCA(object = sobj, verbose = F)
sobj <- Seurat::FindNeighbors(object = sobj, dims = 1:30, verbose = F)
sobj <- Seurat::FindClusters(object = sobj, resolution = 0.1, verbose = F, algorithm = 1)

# get the doubletfinder dataframe
# num.cores, parallelization is now supported by DF
dfdf <- doubletfinderwrapper(sobj, #autofilterres = af,
                                    num.cores = 5)

# alternatively, you can also pass the autofilter result, 
# it will then return an updated autofilter result list including the doubletfinder results
af <- doubletfinderwrapper(sobj, autofilterres = af,
                       num.cores = 5)

# filter out doublets
# from doubletfinder data.frame, if autofilter res was not passed above
singlets <- dfdf[dfdf$DoubletFinderClassification=='Singlet','cells']
sobj <- sobj[,singlets]

# or, filter using updated autofilter result object
goodcells <- af$cellstatus[af$cellstatus$filteredout==F,"barcodes"]
sobj <- sobj[,goodcells]

After removal of doublets, I recommend re-processing the data (HVG detection, PCA, graph, clustering).

FerrenaAlexander/FerrenaSCRNAseq documentation built on March 10, 2023, 9:31 a.m.