
#' NeuroIS: The R-Package for Neuro Information Systems Research in R
#' NeuroIS has become an established method in IS research for investigating user behavior, perception, 
#' and even neurophysiology. This same named package NeuroIS is a freely-available open source R-package 
#' for analyzing NeuroIS data, enabling scholars to investigate the bio-physiological fundations of 
#' human-computer interaction in individual as well as in group settings. 
#' [1] http://im.iism.kit.edu/1093_1100.php
#' \tabular{ll}{ Package: \tab Brownie\cr Type: \tab Package\cr Version:
#' \tab\cr Date: \tab 2017-31-01\cr License: \tab GPL-3\cr Depends: \tab
#' R (>= 3.0) \cr }
#' @name NeuroIS-package
#' @docType package
#' @author Dominik Jung \email{d.jung@kit.edu}
#' @author Sven Michalczyk \email{sven.michalczyk@icloud.com}
#' @keywords web analytics, logfiles, kd2lab, clickstream, brownie, heatmap
#' @examples
#' ### 0. Preparations & Import
#' library(NeuroIS)
#' import(path = "data/jump_and_rest", prefix = "jump_and_rest", 
#'        create_physio_object = T, physio_mv_dir = T)
#' ### 1. Do central pages exist in terms of duration or click frequency?
#' summary(data = jump_and_rest_web, objectives = F)
#' ### 2. At which pages did the proband jump?
#' marker <- marker(data = jump_and_rest_web, subject = 1, path_marker = "data/jump_and_rest/physio" )
#' start_time <- min(jump_and_rest_web[jump_and_rest_web$SUBJECT_ID_SUBJECT == 1]$Time, na.rm = T)
#' summary(jump_and_rest_physio, type = "eda", subject = 1, marker = marker, start_time = start_time) 
#' plot(jump_and_rest_physio, type = "eda", subject = 1, marker = marker, start_time)
#' plot(jump_and_rest_physio, type = "ecg", subject = 1, marker = "data/jump_and_rest/physio/marker1.csv",
#'      start_time, physio_unisens_dir = "data/jump_and_rest/physio/")
#' ### 3. Which elements on a central page did the mouse last on?
#' web_summary <- summary(data = jump_and_rest_web, objectives = F)
#' urls <- web_summary$URL
#' take_screenshot(urls = urls)
#' plot(jump_and_rest_web, url = urls[4], type = "motion", subject = 1,
#'      alpha = 0.1, size = 3, color = "purple")
#' ### 4. What’s the probability to go from one page to another, based on the subject?
#' library(clickstream)
#' cls <- as_clickstream(data = jump_and_rest_web, objectives = F, attribution ="last")
#' summary(cls)
#' mc <- fitMarkovChain(clickstreamList = cls, order = 1, control = list(optimizer = "quadratic"))
#' summary(mc)
#' plot(mc, order = 1)
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import png
#' @import grid
#' @import webshot
#' @import rJava
#' @import RCurl
Fiddleman/NeuroIS documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:20 p.m.