Development on CVPIA DSM temperature inputs has moved to Central Valley Project Improvement Act - Open Science Collaborative. This repository remains posted for archive purposes. The temperature inputs were used to inform FY2019-20 recommendations. Temperature inputs were developed through a formal Structured Decision Making process by the CVPIA Science Integration Team.

Modeled Temperature Data for the CVPIA SIT Model

This data package contains modeled temperature data for each of the watersheds within the CVPIA salmon life cycle model.


# install.packages("devtools")


This package provides temperature related datasets to the cvpiaData package.

# datasets within the package
data(package = 'cvpiaTemperature')

# explore temperature modeling metadata

About the Models

Temperature inputs to the CVPIA Decision Support Model (DSM) were developed using one of the following methods: 1. HEC5Q water temperature model 2. Measured water temperatures 3. Correlation between measured air and water temperatures 4. Water temperature from the closest, most hydrologically and geomorphically similar watershed with available data.

The HEC5Q model accepts flow inputs from the CALSIM II water resources system operations planning model. Watershed specific methods are detailed on the Reference tab.

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FlowWest/cvpiaTemperature documentation built on Oct. 31, 2020, 11:28 p.m.