
An R package for interacting with hdf5 files resulting from a HEC-RAS model run. hecr uses the hdf5r package and wraps around it functions that enable a user to quickly query out desired data in a tidy dataframe format.


The install requires devtools, install with install.packages("devtools"). To install hecr:


Installing hecr will install as dependencies: hdf5r, dplyr, and purrr. If detected on the system these will not install, but an update might be required. Both purrr and dplyr need to be the latest version.


The main goal of hecr is to allow a user to automate the process of obtaining time series data from an hdf file resulting from a HEC-RAS model run. hecr makes it easy to query data from an hdf by giving the user a consistent approach to querying the data. Both time series from cross sections and 2d portions of a model run can be obtained using the hecr package.

Here is an example of reading and querying out a time series.

# load in the library

# first read in the file
f <- hecr::hec_file("inst/raw-data/ArdenwoodCreek.p50.hdf")

# query water surface time series from a cross section 
water_surface <- hecr::hec_one(f, 6863.627, ts_type = "Water Surface")

# plot
water_surface %>% ggplot(aes(datetime, values, color = plan_name)) + geom_line()

FlowWest/hecr documentation built on May 14, 2019, 8:40 a.m.