\section*{Acknowledgements} \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Acknowledgements}

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Malte Döhne, who not only accompanied this Bachelor thesis, but also a preceeding research project on artist careers. As my supervisor, he supported me substantially in transposing my interest in this topic into an empirical sociological study. His comments were always insightful, helping me in making improvements. For this project and beyond, his seminar on network analysis at Zeppelin University was also as invaluable as his continued support.

For her responses to my presentations in the research colloquia and her support in crucial phases of my studies, I am also deeply grateful to Maren Lehmann. She allowed me not only to acquire new intriguing perspectives, but also to maintain a critical distance to my own research. To a great extent, my interest in sociology has evolved in her seminars.

I would like to thank Magdalena Broska and Wolfgang Schoppmann for their unfailing support during my studies at Zeppelin University. As professionals in the arts, they have also provided me with tangible insights for this project.

Finally, I thank my friends and fellow students with whom I could share and develop my thoughts in seminars and numerous personal conversations.


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