Man pages for Franvgls/NeAtlIBTS
R Library for the Northeastern Atlantic & NS IBTS Surveys

AreaICES statrec/areas
gearPlotHH.dodpFunction gearPlotHH.dodp Door Spread versus Depth
gearPlotHH.dowggearPlotHH.dowg Wing Spread vs. DoorSpread
gearPlotHHN21.dodpFunction gearPlotHHN21.dodp Door Spread versus Depth N21...
gearPlotHHN21.dowggearPlotHH.dowg Wing Spread vs. DoorSpread in N21 Spanish...
gearPlotHHN21.nodpFunction gearPlotHH.nodp to plot net opening vs. depth for...
gearPlotHHN21.wgdpFunction gearPlotHHN21.wgdp plots Wing Spread vs. Depth for...
gearPlotHHN21.wrpdpFunction gearPlotHH.wrpdp plots warp length vs. Depth...
gearPlotHH.nodpFunction gearPlotHH.nodp to plot net opening vs. depth
gearPlotHHNS.dodpFunction gearPlotHHNS.dodp Door Spread versus Depth for a...
gearPlotHHNS.nodpFunction gearPlotHH.nodp to plot net opening vs. depth...
gearPlotHHNS.wgdogearPlotHH.wgdo Door Spread vs. WingSpread
gearPlotHHNS.wgdpFunction gearPlotHHNS.wgdp plots Wing Spread vs. Depth...
gearPlotHHNS.wrpdpFunction gearPlotHHNS.wrpdp plots warp length vs. Depth...
gearPlotHH.wgdogearPlotHH.wgdo Wing Spread vs. DoorSpread
gearPlotHH.wgdpFunction gearPlotHH.wgdp plots Wing Spread vs. Depth
gearPlotHH.wrpdpFunction gearPlotHH.wrpdp plots warp length vs. Depth...
gearPlotsHHFunction gearPlotsHH to plot gear parameters and behaviour
gearPlotsHHNSFunction gearPlotsHHNS to plot gear parameters and behaviour
getDatras2Function getDatras2 modification of function getDATRAS to...
IBTSNeAtl_mapFunction IBTSNeAtl_map plots the map with all the surveys...
IBTSNeAtl_map_porcFunction IBTSNeAtl_map_porc plots the map with only Porcupine
IBTSurveysList of current IBTS surveys
InfoHHFunction InfoHH gives the information on Sweep lengths for...
SpeciesCAperYearFunction SpeciesCAperYear Takes a CA file for one survey and...
SplitLengthsFunction SplitLengths extracts from DATRAS the data to...
SplitLengthsESPFunction SplitLengths extracts from DATRAS the data to...
SurveyMap.IBTSMap of hauls (stations) from an IBTS survey taken directly...
Franvgls/NeAtlIBTS documentation built on July 1, 2024, 1:22 a.m.