
## ----initialize, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------
#  setwd("~")
#  ## Run first time to install R package

## ----plots, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE--------------------------
#  # install.packages("devtools")
#  # devtools::install_github("FranzKrah/rMyCoPortal")

## ----libs, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------------
#  ## Load libraries
#  library("rMyCoPortal")
#  library("biomod2") # make sure maxent.jar is in the same folder if you want
#  # MaxEnt can be downloaded here
#  library("sf")
#  library("raster")

## ----download, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE-----------------------
#  ## Let's download some data for the famous fly agaric
#  am.rec <- mycoportal(taxon = "Amanita muscaria") # please run again if server doesn't respond immediatelly
#  am.rec

## ----plot1, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE--------------------------
#  # plot_distmap(x = x, mapdatabase = "world") # interactive version
#  p.dist <- plot_distmap(x = am.rec, mapdatabase = "state", interactive = FALSE) # the default is interactive
#  p.dist

## ----plot2, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE--------------------------
#  p.heat <- plot_datamap(x = am.rec, mapdatabase = "state")

## ----clim, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------------
#  rec <- am.rec@records
#  rec <- rec[!($lat) |$lon)), ]
#  rec <- st_as_sf(x = rec,
#                          coords = c("lon", "lat"),
#                          crs = "+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")
#  ## crop to USA
#  area = list(min_long = -130, max_long = -60, min_lat = 25, max_lat = 52)
#  rec <- st_crop(rec,
#                         xmin = area$min_long,
#                         ymin = area$min_lat,
#                         xmax = area$max_long,
#                         ymax = area$max_lat
#  )
#  rec <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords = st_coordinates(rec),
#                           data =
#  rec <-
#  ## Retrieve WorldClim data for current climatic data
#  clim <- raster::getData(name = "worldclim", res = "2.5", var = "bio")
#  clim <- crop(clim, extent(area$min_long, area$max_long, area$min_lat, area$max_lat))
#  clim <- stack(clim)
#  # the name of studied species
#  myRespName <- 'Amanita_muscaria'
#  # the XY coordinates of species data
#  myRespXY <- rec[,c("X","Y")]
#  myRespXY[] <- apply(myRespXY, 2, function(x) as.numeric(as.character(x)))
#  clim.coord <- coordinates(clim)
#  colnames(clim.coord) <- colnames(myRespXY)
#  # some pseudo absence data
#  samp <- sample(nrow(clim.coord), 1000)
#  myRespXY <- rbind(data.frame(myRespXY), clim.coord[samp,])
#  # the presence/absences data for our species
#  myResp <- c(rep(1, nrow(rec)), rep(0, length(samp)))
#  d <- duplicated(paste(myRespXY$X, myRespXY$Y))
#  myRespXY <- myRespXY[!d,]
#  myResp <- myResp[!d]

## ----biomod, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE-------------------------
#  myBiomodData <- BIOMOD_FormatingData(resp.var = myResp,
#                                       expl.var = clim,
#                                       resp.xy = as.matrix(myRespXY),
#                              = myRespName,
#                                       na.rm = TRUE)
#  ##  Defining Models Options using default options
#  myBiomodOption <- BIOMOD_ModelingOptions()
#  ## Computing the models
#  myBiomodModelOut <- BIOMOD_Modeling(
#    myBiomodData,
#    models = c("MAXENT.Phillips"),
#    models.options = myBiomodOption, NbRunEval=1,
#    DataSplit=80,
#    Prevalence=0.5,
#    VarImport=3,
#    models.eval.meth = c('ROC', "TSS"),
#    SaveObj = TRUE,
#    rescal.all.models = TRUE,
#    do.full.models = FALSE,
# = paste(myRespName,"FirstModeling",sep=""))
#  # get all models evaluation
#  myBiomodModelEval <- get_evaluations(myBiomodModelOut)
#  # let's print the ROC scores of all selected models
#  myBiomodModelEval["ROC","",,,]
#  # print variable importances
#  barplot(get_variables_importance(myBiomodModelOut)[,,,], beside = TRUE, las = 2)
#  ## bio7: Temperature Annual Range

## ----projection, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE---------------------
#  ## Projection on current environemental conditions
#  myBiomodProj <- BIOMOD_Projection(
#    modeling.output = myBiomodModelOut,
#    new.env = clim,
# = 'current',
#    selected.models = 'all',
#    binary.meth = 'TSS',
#    compress = 'xz',
#    clamping.mask = F,
#    output.format = '.grd')
#  plot(myBiomodProj)

## ----future, include=TRUE, eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE-------------------------
#  cc85 <- raster::getData('CMIP5', var='bio', res=2.5, rcp=85, model='CC', year=70)
#  cc85 <- crop(cc85, extent(area$min_long, area$max_long, area$min_lat, area$max_lat))
#  cc85 <- stack(cc85)
#  names(cc85) <- names(clim)
#  myBiomodProjectionFuture <- BIOMOD_Projection(
#    modeling.output = myBiomodModelOut,
#    new.env = cc85,
# = 'future',
#    selected.models = 'all',
#    binary.meth = 'TSS',
#    compress = 'xz',
#    clamping.mask = F,
#    output.format = '.grd')
#  plot(myBiomodProjectionFuture)
FranzKrah/rMyCoPortal documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:11 a.m.