  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"


fars version 1.0 gives the package user the ability to plot accidents that happened in the USA. FARS stands for Fatality Analysis Reporting System. The Data that is used comes from the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's FARS.

Among the main function for plotting there are several sub functions i.e. for reading in the data files for the specific years, serving as an input for the main function.

Instructions for using the package

First off, you will need to have data for the year(s) you want to visualize. To get the data you can either download it from the Coursera course "Building R Packages" in the link given in Week 2's PGA assignment or from the following link of the institution:

Once you have the zipped data file unpack it in your RStudio working directory. There should be files now with the ".csv.bz2" ending.

Now you can use the main function named fars_map_state and include the desired state as the first argument, followed by the year(s) to select i.e. fars_map_state(1,2015).


As Github is most commonly used and predifend by the PGA the package can be found under

FunWithForest/Rpackage_fars documentation built on May 20, 2019, 8:30 a.m.