Man pages for Fuzzy-Logix/AdapteR
Converts R syntax to SQL to provide fast analytics using in-database C++ library DB Lytix.

adf.testAugmented Dickey Fuller Test
ad.testAnderson-Darling Test
agnesAgglomerative Nesting
arimaARIMA Modelling of Time Series in-database objects to a data frame in R FLVector object to vector in R
as.FLMatrixCasting to FLMatrix
as.FLTablecasting to FLTable
as.FLVectorcasting to FLVector
as.matrixConverts in-database objects to a matrix in R
as.matrix.FLVectorConverts FLVector object to a matrix in R
as.matrix.sparseMatrixConverts input FLMatrix object to matrix in R
as.vector.FLMatrixConverts FLMatrix object to vector in R
as.vector.FLSimpleVectorConverts FLVector object to vector in R
as.vector.FLSkalarAggregateConverts FLSkalarAggregate object to vector in R
as.vector.FLVectorConverts FLVector object to vector in R
baggingApplies the Bagging algorithm to a dataset
binom.testBinomial Test
boostingApplies the AdaBoost.M1 and SAMME algorithms to a data set
capRounding of Numbers
cbind.FLMatrixCombine objects by columns.
checkQueryLimitsCheck if sql query limits have been violated
checkSameDimsCompare Matrix Dimensions
chisq.testChi-square and Pearson Chi-square Test
cholCholesky Decomposition.
cochran.qtestCochran's Q test
colMeanscolumn means of a FLMatrix.
colnamesGives the column names of FLTable object
colSumscolumn sums of a FLMatrix.
constructSelectconstructs a sql statement returning the deep table...
cov.wtGenericWeighted Covariance.
coxphCox Proportional Hazard Model
createTableCreate Table
createViewCreate View
crostonForecasts for intermittent demand using Croston's method
dbDropdrop a table
deepToWideConvert Deep Table to Wide Table
detDeterminant of a Matrix.
diagMatrix Diagonals
dist-FLMatrix-methodDistance Matrix Computation
eigenSpectral Decomposition of a Matrix.
ensureQuerySizeEnsure sqlQuery constructed meets limits namely max size(1MB)...
equalsEquality of in-database objects.
eval_expect_equalEvaluates the expression e in an R and an FL environment,...
expect_equal_RMatrix_FLMatrixtests if a R matrix is correctly stored and represented when...
expect_eval_equalDEPRECATED: use eval_expect_equal
exp-FLMatrix-methodLogarithms and Exponentials of in-database objects.
fannyFuzzyKMeans Clustering.
fdaFlexible Discriminant Analysis
FLAggClust-classAn S4 class to represent FLAggClustering
FLamendDimnamesAmends dimension names to a matrix if a mapping exists.
FLCApplyApply a function to a subset of data
FLCleanStrClean string
FLCloseClose Session and Drop temp Tables
FLClustering-classAn S4 class to represent FLKMedoids
FLConcatStringConcatenate elements of vector
flConnectCreates either an ODBC connection or an JDBC connection and...
FLConnectionA FLConnection object stores either a JDBC or a ODBC...
FLCovarPPopulation CoVariance.
FLCoxPH-classAn S4 class to represent output from coxph on in-database...
FLcreatePlatformsMappingFunction to generate platforms mappings for stored procs and...
FLcreateUnivariateMethodCodeFunction to generate S4 methods for univariate distributions...
FLcreateUnivariateMethodsFileFunction to generate S4 methods for univariate distributions...
FLDataMining-classAn S4 class to represent FLLinRegr
FLdiff'FLdiff' performs difference operator on FLVector objects.
FLEWMA'FLEWMA' performs Exponentially Weighted Moving Average on...
FLExtractStrExtract parts of strings
FLFKMeans-classAn S4 class to represent FLFKMeans
FLGAM-classAn S4 class to represent output from gam on in-database...
FLHessenHessenberg Decomposition of a Matrix.
FLHKMeans-classAn S4 class to represent FLHKMeans
FLIndexedValues-classModels sparse data objects.
FLIsHexCheck if HexaDecimal
FLIsNumericCheck if Numeric
FLJordanJordan Decomposition of a Matrix.
FLLDA-classAn S4 class to represent output from Discriminant Analysis on...
FLLinRegr-classAn S4 class to represent output from Linear Regression(lm) on...
FLLogRegr-classAn S4 class to represent output from glm on in-database...
FLLogRegrMN-classAn S4 class to represent output from glm when family is...
FLLU-classAn S4 class to represent LU Decomposition
FLMatrixConstructor function for FLMatrix.
FLMatrixBindBind a matrix/array by an index. Currently limited to...
FLMatrixBind-classAn S4 class to represent FLMatrix
FLMatrix-classAn S4 class to represent FLMatrix. A Matrix can be either...
FLMatrixNormNorm of a Matrix.
FLMatrixREFRow Echelon form of a Matrix.
FLMatrixRREFReduced Row Echelon form of a Matrix.
FLParseXMLParse XML files
FLRegr-classAn S4 class to represent objects returned by Regression...
FLRegrDataPrepConvert Wide Table to Deep Table in database.
FLReshapeData Preparation
FLROC-classAn S4 class to represent output from ROC on in-database...
FLSelectFrom-classA selectFrom models a select from a table.
FLSimpleVector-classAn S4 class to represent FLVector
FLSimpleWideTable-classAn S4 class to represent FLTable, an in-database data.frame.
FLSolveExclInverse of a Matrix excluding a dimension.
FLSqueezeSpaceRemove extra spaces in strings
FLStartSessionStarts Session and Creates temp Tables for result storage
FLSVSingular Values of a FLMatrix.
FLSVM-classAn S4 class to represent output from Support Vector...
FLTableConstructor function for FLTable.
FLTable-classAn S4 class to represent FLTable, an in-database data.frame.
FLTableDeep-classAn S4 class to represent FLTable, an in-database data.frame.
FLTableFunctionQuery-classA TableFunctionQuery models a select from an arbitrary query
FLTableMDConstructor function for FLTableMD.
FLTableMD-classAn S4 class to represent FLTableMD, an in-database...
FLTableMDDeep-classAn S4 class to represent FLTableMDDeep, an in-database...
FLTableQuery-classA table query models a select or a table result of a sql...
FLTriDiagTriDiagonal or Upper Hessenberg matrix of a FLMatrix.
FLVarClusterVariable Clustering.
FLVarPpopulation variance.
FLVectorConstructor function for FLVector, representing a vector in...
FLVector-classAn S4 class to represent FLVector
FLVectorForColumnWhereCreates FLVector from a column from a database table after...
friedman.testFriedman Rank Sum Test
gamGeneralized Additive Models
garch.FLVector'garch' estimates the parameters of an univariate Generalized...
getMaxMatrixIdGet Max Matrix ID+1 from result Matrix table
getMaxValueGet Max ID from given table
getMaxVectorIdGet Max Vector ID+1 from result Vector table
getTableNameSlotGetter for remote table name.
ginvGeneralized Inverse of a Matrix.
glmLogistic and Poisson Regression.
grapes-grapesremainder of division on in-database objects.
grapes-slash-grapesInteger Division of in-database objects.
grapes-times-grapesCross-Product of in-database objects.
gregexprPattern Matching
grepPattern Matching
greplPattern Matching
gsubPattern Matching and Replacement
hclust.FLTableHierarchial Clustering
head.FLTableReturn the First or Last Part of an in-database Object
hkmeansHierarchial K-Means Clustering.
identicalEquality of in-database objects.
InfoVal'InfoVal' Performs on FLTable objects.It is an aggregate...
initFdefaultinitF.default helps to return a list of list. Can be used for...
initFgenericinitF.default helps to return a list of list. Can be used for...
is.FLMatrixCheck if the object is an FLMatrix object
is.FLTableCheck if the object is an FLTable object
is.FLVectorCheck if the object is an FLVector object
kmeansK-Means Clustering. 'kmeans' performs k-means clustering on...
knnk-Nearest Neighbour k-nearest neighbour...
kruskal.test.FLVectorKruskal-Wallis Rank Sum Test
ks.testKolmogorov-Smirnov test
kuip.testKuiper Test used to test if two groups of data come from same...
ldaLinear discriminant analysis.
length.FLMatrixcomputes the length of FLMatrix object.
length.FLSimpleVectorcomputes the length of FLVector object.
length.FLTablecomputes the length of FLTable object.
length.FLVectorcomputes the length of FLVector object.
lmLinear Regression.
lmerFit Linear Mixed-Effects Models
luLU Decomposition.
mahalanobisMahalanobis Distance
matchitPerform matchit algorithm in database.
mcnemar.testMcNemar's Chi-squared Test for Count Data.
mdaMixture Discriminant Analysis.
mixUDTMixed Model
mvrPLS Regression.
naiveBayes.FLTablefltbl <- FLTable("tblNBData", "ObsID", "VarID", "NUM_VAL")...
names.FLSimpleVectorGet names of a FLVector
names.FLVectorGet names of a FLVector
names-set-.FLSimpleVectorAssign names to FLSimpleVectors
names-set-.FLVectorAssign names to FLVectors
neuralnet.FLTable'neuralnet' performs Neural Network on FLTable objects. The...
oplsOPLS Regression.
pamK-Medoids Clustering.
pcagenericTO-DO:- support without formula.
plusAddition of in-database objects.
powElement-Wise power of in-database objects.
PP.test.FLVectortest case in test_FLdifference.
prcomp'prcomp' Performs principal component analysis on a FLTable....
print.FLLinRegrPrint FLLinRegr output Info
qrQR Decomposition.
randomForestClassification and Regression with Random Forest
rankMatrixMatrix Rank.
rbind.FLMatrixCombine objects by rows.
regexprPattern Matching
regimeshift.FLVector'regimeshift' performs helps in identifying the parameters of...
restrictFLMatrixAppends where clauses for subsetting etc.
restrictToObsidsSelect obsids in a larger table with fast EXISTS SQL...
rlmRobust Regression.
rocBuild a ROC Curve
roc.FLTableTO-DO:- implementation in rocgeneric roctbl <-...
roc.FLVectorROC. 'roc' performs ROC on FLvectors and FLTable objects.
rowMeansrow means of a FLMatrix.
rowSumsrow sums of a FLMatrix.
rpartRecursive partitioning and Regression Trees
showTableRecieves the result of a "show table ..." SQL query as a...
SiegelTukeyTestSiegel-Tukey Test For Equality In Variability.
slashElement-wise Division of in-database objects.
solveInverse of a Matrix.
sqlQuerySend a query to database Result is returned as data.frame
sqlSendUpdateSend a query to database
sqlSendUpdate.JDBCConnectionSend a query to database
sqlSendUpdate.RODBCSend a query to database
sqlStoredProcSend a query to database Result is returned as data.frame
stepChoose a model.
storestores an object in database.
subPattern Matching and Replacement
sub-.FLMatrixExtract part of FLMatrix object.
sub-.FLTableExtract part of FLTable object.
sub-.FLVectorExtract part of FLVector object.
survdiffTest Survival Curve Differences
survfitCompute a Survival Curve for Censored Data
svdSingular Value Decomposition of a Matrix.
svmSupport Vector Machines
tMatrix Transpose.
tableAndAliasreference in-database object
test_equal_FLMatrix_RMatrixconverts FLMatrix to r matrix and checks if recursive...
test_Matrix_Subsettingtests matrix subsetting by names and by index recursively.
test_Vector_Subsettingtests vector subsetting by names and by index recursively.
timesElement-Wise Multiplication of in-database objects.
times-timesElement-Wise power of in-database objects.
trMatrix Trace.
t.testStudent's t-Test
var.testF Test.
vif.FLTable'vif' performs VIF on FLTable and FLTableMD objects. The DB...
WaldWolftest1sPerforms the Wald-Wolfowitz one sample test of randomness for...
WaldWolftest2sPerforms the Wald-Wolfowitz two sample test.
wideToDeepConvert Wide Table to Deep Table in database.
wilcox.testWilcox Test.
woe'woe' Performs woe on FLTable objects.It is an aggregate...
z.testZ test for 1 and 2 samples
Fuzzy-Logix/AdapteR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:07 p.m.