Man pages for GBIFsiteChecker/GBIFsiteChecker
LocationChecker for GBIF - data

checkLocationChecks if lat, long locations concurs with country codes....
correctSignTries to correct the locations by swapping the sign of lat,...
correctSignSwapChecks if point with lat & long would concure in country...
correctSwapChecks if point with lat & long would concure in country...
getNumberOfOccurencesGet the number of occurrences for a specific species
getSpeciesOptsGet the species properties from the worms database to check...
initDataLoading data from the gbif database
initLocationDownload spatial data from natural earth and unzip it
mainLoopMain loop to iterate over all occurences with variables...
openShapeRead the shape file utilizing the rgdal package
pipelineFeeding pipline (consinsting of the defined functions) with...
pipeline_generic_checkPrepares pipline check and enables the three different...
plotPointPlot one occurence based on the correction_flag
startupentry point of the package and decide for level of correction
GBIFsiteChecker/GBIFsiteChecker documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:08 p.m.