knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Household without internet

Every Kaggler uses internet. Internet is a necessity in our daily life and many people consider it as a utility like water, electricity and gas. But do you know how many households in the US do not have internet, who are these people, and why they do not have internet?

The U.S. Census Bureau began asking internet use in American Community Survey (ACS) in 2013, as part of the 2008 Broadband Data Improvement Act, and has published 1-year estimate each year since 2013. The recent 2016 data shows that in many counties, over a quarter of household still do not have internet access.

This dataset contains data for counties with population over 65000, compiled from the 2016 ACS 1-year estimate. ACS 1-year estimates only summarize data for large geographic areas over 65000 population. The 2013-2017 ACS 5-year estimate is expected to be published at the end of 2018, which has data of all geographic areas down to block group level. Before that we will use the latest 2016 1-year estimate. It provides sufficient data for us to gain insight into internet use.

Here are the list of columns in this dataset:

Appendix: code to generate the dataset

# download and setup for totalcensus package at 
internet <- read_acs1year(
    year = 2016,
    states = states_DC,
    table_contents = c(
        "no_school = B15003_002",
        "nursery = B15003_003",
        "kindergarten = B15003_004",
        "g1 = B15003_005",
        "g2 = B15003_006",
        "g3 = B15003_007",
        "g4 = B15003_008",
        "g5 = B15003_009",
        "g6 = B15003_010",
        "g7 = B15003_011",
        "g8 = B15003_012",

        "g9 = B15003_013",
        "g10 = B15003_014",
        "g11 = B15003_015",
        "g12 = B15003_016",

        "high_school = B15003_017",
        "ged_high_school = B15003_018",
        "college_1_year = B15003_019",
        "college_more_year = B15003_020",
        "associate = B15003_021",
        "bachelor = B15003_022",
        "master = B15003_023",
        "professional = B15003_024", 
        "doctor = B15003_025",

        "median_age = B01002_001",
        "white = C02003_003",
        "black = C02003_004",
        "native = C02003_005",
        "asian = C02003_006",
        "hawaiian = C02003_007",
        "others = C02003_008",
        "below_poverty_50 = B17002_002",
        "below_poverty_50_75 = B17002_003",
        "below_poverty_75_100 = B17002_004",
        "gini_index = B19083_001",
        "total_household = B28001_001",
        "median_household_income = B19019_001",
        "median_house_hold_income_1_person = B19019_002", 
        "median_house_hold_income_2_person = B19019_003", 
        "median_house_hold_income_3_person = B19019_004", 
        "median_house_hold_income_4_person = B19019_005", 
        "median_house_hold_income_5_person = B19019_006", 
        "median_house_hold_income_6_person = B19019_007", 
        "median_house_hold_income_7_or_more_person = B19019_008", 
        "median_rent_per_income = B25071_001",
        "no_internet = B28011_008"
    geo_headers = "COUNTY",
    summary_level = "county"

internet_county <- internet %>%
        percent_no_internet = 100 * (no_internet / total_household),
        P_below_middle_school = no_school + nursery + kindergarten +
            g1 + g2 + g3 + g4 + g5 + g6, + g7 + g8,
        P_some_high_school = g9 + g10 + g11 + g12,
        P_high_school_equivalent = high_school + ged_high_school,
        P_some_college = college_1_year + college_more_year + associate,
        P_bachelor_and_above = bachelor + master + professional + doctor,
        P_below_poverty = below_poverty_50 + below_poverty_50_75 + below_poverty_75_100
    ) %>%
        county = area, state, GEOID, lon, lat, 
        P_total = population, P_white = white, P_black = black, P_asian = asian, P_native = native,
        P_hawaiian = hawaiian, P_others = others, P_below_middle_school, P_some_high_school, 
        P_high_school_equivalent, P_some_college, P_bachelor_and_above, P_below_poverty, median_age,
        gini_index, median_household_income, median_rent_per_income, percent_no_internet

write.csv(internet_county, file = "kaggle_internet.csv", row.names = FALSE)

ggplot(internet_county, aes(percent_no_internet)) +
    stat_bin(binwidth = 2, fill = NA, color = "black") +
    labs(title = "Internet connection in counties with population over 65000",
         x = "percent of household without intenet")

GL-Li/rawcensus2010 documentation built on Jan. 19, 2024, 7:11 p.m.