

## This file reads the text file copied from the technical documentation of the
## summary file 1 with urban/rural update (page 4-16) and save as a dataset in
## fold /data

state <- fread("data_raw/census/census_2010/state_summary_level_urban_rural_update",
                           header = FALSE, sep = "\n") %>%
    .[, .(code = str_sub(V1, 1, 3),
          summary_level = str_sub(V1, 5, nchar(V1)))] %>%
    .[, in_state_file := "yes"] %>%
    setkey(code, summary_level)

## This file reads the text file copied from the technical documentation of the
## summary file 1 with urban/rural update (page 4-25) and save as a dataset in
## fold /data

national <- fread("data_raw/census/census_2010/national_summary_level_urban_rural_update",
                              header = FALSE, sep = "\n") %>%
    .[, .(code = str_sub(V1, 1, 3),
          summary_level = str_sub(V1, 5, nchar(V1)))] %>%
    .[, in_US_file := "yes"] %>%
    setkey(code, summary_level)

dict_decennial_summarylevel_2010 <- merge(state, national, all = TRUE) %>%
    .[, in_state_file := "-"] %>%
    .[, in_US_file := "-"]

save(dict_decennial_summarylevel_2010, file = "data/dict_decennial_summarylevel_2010.RData")
GL-Li/totalcensus documentation built on Jan. 30, 2024, 9:07 p.m.