Man pages for GRAPLE/GRAPLEr
Distributed Computing Made Easy for Lake Ecology Modeling

check_grapleChecks if the grapleObject is valid by checking if the...
check_subdirectoryChecks if the input/results directory is a sub-directory of...
filePresentchecks if a given file exists in a directory
filesPresentChecks if there are any files present in ExpRoot Directory
getResultsDirNameGets the name for results directory
GrapleCheckExperimentCompletionChecks the status of an experiment
GrapleCheckExperimentCompletion-Graple-methodChecks the status of an experiment
GrapleCheckServiceChecks if the graple service is up and running on the...
GrapleCheckService-Graple-methodChecks if the graple service is up and running on the...
GrapleCheckVersionCompatibilityChecks version compatibility between R package and Graple web...
GrapleChkVersionCompatibilityChecks if the GRAPLEr pacakge being used is compatible with...
GrapleChkVersionCompatibility-Graple-methodChecks if the GRAPLEr pacakge being used is compatible with...
Graple-classAn S4 class to represent a graple object.
GrapleEndExperimentA method to abort an experiment
GrapleEndExperiment-Graple-methodA method to abort an experiment
GrapleGetExperimentResultsDownloads the results to the results directory path with exp...
GrapleGetExperimentResults-Graple-methodDownloads the results to the results directory path with exp...
GrapleListFiltersRetrieves the list of post process operation scripts
GrapleListPostProcessFiltersProvides a list of post processing operations/ filters...
GrapleListPostProcessFilters-Graple-methodProvides a list of post processing operations/ filters...
GrapleRunExperimentUsed to run a batch experiment with mutiple simulations in...
GrapleRunExperiment-Graple-methodUsed to run a batch experiment with mutiple simulations in...
GrapleRunSweepExperimentUsed to run a sweep experiment with a json file providing job...
GrapleRunSweepExperiment-Graple-methodUsed to run a sweep experiment with a json file providing job...
setAPIKeySets the API key in the grapleObject
setAPIKey-Graple-methodSets the API key in the grapleObject
setExperimentDirSet the Experiment root directory in the Graple object
setExperimentDir-Graple-methodSet the Experiment root directory in the Graple object
setExpNameSets the name of the experiment in the Graple object
setExpName-Graple-methodSets the name of the experiment in the Graple object
setResultsDirSets the results directory for the experiment in the Graple...
setResultsDir-Graple-methodSets the results directory for the experiment in the Graple...
setSubmissionURLSets the submission URL in the Graple object
setSubmissionURL-Graple-methodSets the submission URL in the Graple object
setTempDirSet the Temporary Directory to given directory path for the...
setTempDir-Graple-methodSet the Temporary Directory to given directory path for the...
validate_jsonChecks if a json file is valid according to GRAPLEr...
validate_urlValidates whether a given url exists
GRAPLE/GRAPLEr documentation built on Oct. 7, 2020, 4:12 p.m.