Man pages for GRousselet/bootcorci
Bootstrap correlation confidence intervals

adj.corbootciAdjust quantiles of the correlation bootstrap confidence...
corbsubCompute correlation for bootstrap indices
corciCompute a 1-alpha percentile bootstrap confidence interval...
kendallCompute Kendall's tau
kendall.testCompute Kendall's tau
listmStore the data in a matrix or data frame in a new R variable...
matlTake data in list mode and store it in a matrix
mkcordMake standard normal correlated data from 2 groups/conditions
mkcord3Make standard normal correlated data from 3 groups/conditions
mkcord4Make standard normal correlated data from 4 groups/conditions
pbcorCompute the percentage bend correlation between x and y.
pbcor.testCompute the percentage bend correlation between x and y.
pbosCompute the one-step percentage bend measure of location
pearsonCompute Pearson's rho
pearson.testCompute Pearson's rho
spearmanCompute Spearman's rho
spearman.testCompute Spearman's rho
twocorciCompare two independent correlations
twocorci.novCompare two dependent correlations: non-overlapping case
twocorci.ovCompare two dependent correlations: overlapping case
twocorci.ov.subCompute correlation for bootstrap indices
wincorCompute the Winsorized correlation between x and y.
wincor.testCompute the Winsorized correlation between x and y.
winvalWinsorize the data in the vector x.
GRousselet/bootcorci documentation built on March 6, 2021, 7:13 a.m.