Man pages for GarrettMooney/moonmisc
Personal Utility Functions

alignedInsert latex aligned structure.
applyApply Wrappers
cdSet Working Directory
clear.knitr.cacheDelete knitr cache
decDecrease by 1
file_mtimemodify time
format_itemsformat items
get_osget operating system
githubSearch github
googleSearch google
hhFirst five columns and rows.
iFirst five and last five rows.
incIncrease by 1
invlogitInverse Logit Function
is_diris directory
is-identicalidentical infix
is_nais na
is-not-identicalnot identical infix
kmeans_dfkmeans function that takes a data.frame and a formula as...
kmeans_plotk-means Diagnostic Plot
knn_dfknns function from class that takes a data.frame and a...
length-zero-defaultDefault value for 'length(x) == 0'.
lglength( grep( ... ) )
list_fileslist files
logitLogit Function
lsoList objects in the workspace
lspList all functions in a package
luNumber of non-NA unique elements in a vector Returns the...
lzy_chrCreate character vector without quotes
my.colorsColor-blind friendly palette
null-defaultDefault value for 'NULL'.
okularOpen pdf with okular
one_hotTransform a catagorical variable to one hot representation
palette_color_hexScrapes color palette from
palette_coolorsScrapes color palette from
pipePipe operator
rcpp_apply_generatorRcpp Apply Generator
remove_naRemove NA Entries from a Vector
repmatRep Mat Function
shell_transformerSystem convenience functions ———– Glue to shell...
silentSilently load a library
softmaxSoftmax Function
stackoverflowSearch stackoverlow
strip_extensionStrip File Extension
str_trimstring trim
temp_dirtemp dir
temp_filetemp file
trim_wstrim whitespace
twitterSearch twitter
uUnique elements in a vector
usunlist( strsplit( ... ) )
winsorizeWinsorize Function
xelatexCompile LaTeX via xelatex
youtubeSearch youtube
GarrettMooney/moonmisc documentation built on Oct. 19, 2019, 7:51 p.m.