title: "Void filling" author: "Gastón Mauro Díaz" bibliography: bibliography.bib date: "r Sys.Date()" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: fig_width: 7 fig_height: 5 vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Void filling} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} editor_options: chunk_output_type: console

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I recommend you to start with the Removing artifacts vignette of rdemtools package. There, I explain the essential for working with rdemtools. Here, I approach a more specific problem. So, make sure you are interested in the problem before committing to read.


Some DEMs have voids on them. The origin of these voids is related with the technology used to generate the DEM. When these voids are relatively big (the number of pixels is a good indicator of the relative size), an interpolation may produce a surface far away from reality. Sometimes, there is an alternative source of elevation data that can be used to fill these voids (i.e., a DEM of lower quality than the main DEM). Therefore, the problem is how to merge the DEM with the fill source to produce the most accurate result.

Toy dataset

To understand the results presented here, it is important to know how the toy dataset was created. This dataset must have a DEM with voids and a fill source. Also, I thought that having the DEM without the voids could be useful to compare void filling techniques. Therefore, I produced a DEM, a mask to create voids in the DEM, and a degraded version of the DEM. Hereafter, the DEM is called reference, the degraded version of the reference is called fill source, and the DEM with voids is called DEM.

To make the toy dataset, I used two functions: fake_dem(), and fake_voids(). First, I used fake_dem(). I explain how to use this function in the Removing artifacts vignette.

r <- raster(ncol = 200, nrow = 100)
extent(r) <- extent(0, 200, 0, 100)
projection(r) <- projection(r) <- CRS("+init=epsg:32718")

reference <- fake_dem(r, n_random_data = 60, z_range = c(0, 600))

To create the fill source, I created an error surface with values center around zero, added it to the reference, and smoothed the result. Remember, my goal here was to create data of lower quality than the reference.

fillSource <- fake_dem(r, z_range = c(0, 20))
fillSource <- fillSource - mean(fillSource[])
fillSource <- fillSource + reference
fillSource <- smooth_dem(fillSource, theta = 6)

More than one fill source can be used. To show this, I duplicated the fill source and modified both versions, degrading, even more, the upper half part in the first version and the bottom half part in the second version.

upperHalfCells <- 1:(ncell(r)/2)
fillSource1 <- fillSource
fillSource1[upperHalfCells] <- (fillSource * 2)[upperHalfCells]
fillSource2 <- fillSource * 2
fillSource2[upperHalfCells] <- fillSource[upperHalfCells]

To create the DEM, I needed to make voids in the reference. So, I generated a mask using fake_voids(). This function requires a SpatialPoints object. With it, you can tell the function where you want the voids. The method sampleRegular() from raster package is excellent for making a SpatialPoints in this context. The other arguments of fake_voids() are void_size, is_circular, and y. The latter is passed to the function rasterize from raster package. So, y should be the DEM in which the voids must be created; void_size should be used to indicate the size of the voids; and isCicular = TRUE must be used only if circular voids are required. I created two types of voids, small and big. I explain the reason for that in the next paragraph.

p <- sampleRegular(reference, 10, sp = TRUE)
bigVoidsMask <- fake_voids(p, void_size = 20, reference)
p <- sampleRandom(reference, 10, sp = TRUE)
smallVoidsMask <- fake_voids(p, void_size = 3, reference, is_circular = TRUE)
voidsMask <- bigVoidsMask + smallVoidsMask
voidsMask <- voidsMask != 0
dem <- reference
dem[voidsMask] <- NA

Voids classification

The first thing to do is know which voids can be interpolated without producing too many errors. Remember, it is a good practice to interpolate the small voids. The function filter_voids() is an easy way to find them. It use the number of pixels to measure the void relative size. A threshold value, the argument thr_size_in_pixels, should be provided to separate the small voids from the non-small voids. I think that a thr_size_in_pixels of 50 is a good choice (the default value).

forInterpolating <- filter_voids(voidsMask)
dem[forInterpolating] <- -150

To know how to interpolate using rdemtools, please read the Removing artifacts vignette. In the present vignette, I am just going to restore the original values from the reference.

dem[forInterpolating] <- reference[forInterpolating]

Filling voids without modifying the fill source

To fill the voids with the fill source, the simplest option is to use the cover() from the raster package. The result was pretty bad, as expected, but it helps to contextualize the other techniques.

demF0 <- cover(dem, fillSource1)
hs <- hillShade(terrain(demF0, "slope"), terrain(demF0, "aspect"))
plot(hs , col= grey((0:255)/255), legend = FALSE)

Filling voids modifying the best available fill source

For an overview of the techniques traditionally used for void filling, see @Grohman2006d. One of this technique is called delta surface fill (DSF). The function fill_voids_g06() could be considered as an improved version of DSF. For more details see the function documentation (?fill_voids_g06). Here, I am going to demonstrate how to use the function. I recommend you to use the default arguments. This way, you only need to provide the data. The function expects a RasterStack, with the DEM with voids in the first layer and the available fill sources in the next layers. I made a RasterStack with the DEM and both fill sources using stack() from raster package. One advantage of fill_voids_g06() is that it can select the best fill source for each void. The output has a second layer with metadata information about what fill source was used for each void.

demF1 <- fill_voids_g06(stack(dem, fillSource1, fillSource2), show_progress_bar = FALSE)
plot(subset(demF1, 1))
plot(subset(demF1, 2))

hs <-
  hillShade(terrain(subset(demF1, 1), "slope"), 
            terrain(subset(demF1, 1), "aspect"))
plot(hs , col = grey((0:255) / 255), legend = FALSE)

Filling voids using the technique of @Karkee2008

@Karkee2008 developed a method that uses derivatives calculated from the fill source. I implemented this technique in the function fill_voids_k08(). For more details, please see the function documentation (?fill_voids_k08). As fill_voids_g06(), this function is easy to use. However, it cannot handle more than one fill source. Therefore, I used the metadata outputted by fill_voids_g06() to combine the fill sources.

m <- subset(demF1, 2)
m <- m == 1
m[is.na(m)] <- 0

im <- imager::as.cimg(as.matrix(m))
im <- imager::dilate_square(im, 5)
values(m) <- as.matrix(im)

fillSource2[m] <- NA
fillSource <- cover(fillSource2, fillSource1)

Once the fill source was ready, I calculated the derivatives and called fill_voids_k08().

slp <- terrain(fillSource, "slope")
asp <- terrain(fillSource, "aspect")
demF2 <- fill_voids_k08(dem, slp, asp, show_progress_bar = FALSE)

hs <- hillShade(terrain(demF2, "slope"), terrain(demF2, "aspect"))
plot(hs , col= grey((0:255)/255), legend = FALSE)

Accuracy assessment

Having the reference allows me to calculate the error surface for each technique.

plot(reference - subset(demF1, 1))
plot(reference - subset(demF2, 1))

I think that the combination of fill_voids_g06() and fill_voids_k08() is the best choice. If this was more than a demonstration, I would try to improve the result by using mask_artifacts() as I described in the vignette mentioned in the overview.


GastonMauroDiaz/rdemtools documentation built on Oct. 22, 2019, 8:32 p.m.