Man pages for Gastrograph/RS3
Tools to interface with S3

S3_connectSet the access_key and secret_key
S3_copy_objectCopy an object from one bucket to another.
S3_create_bucketCreate a new bucket
S3_delete_bucketDelete a bucket that you have.
S3_delete_objectDelete's a file/object within the bucket
S3_get_aclGet ACL of bucket location
S3_get_loggingGet logging Settings of bucket
S3_get_objectDownload a file from a bucket
S3_head_objectGets the response properties of the object.
S3_list_bucketList all contents of the bucket
S3_put_objectUploads an object to the S3 bucket specified.
S3_set_aclSet The ACL of bucket
S3_set_loggingSet the logging Settings for a bucket
S3_test_bucketTest the bucket and connection
Gastrograph/RS3 documentation built on May 6, 2019, 5:33 p.m.