citation_cybergeodata: Data about cybergeo articles

Description Usage Format


Used by the citation application




tibble with columns - id cybergeo id of the article - SCHID SCHID of the article - title title - title_en english title - keywords_en english keywords - keywords_fr french keywords - authors autors, separated by ; - date date - langue language of the article - translated - DatePublication - Rubrique - Auteur - TypeDocument - Disponibilite - VisuTot - Visu07 - Visu08 - Visu09 - Visu10 - Visu11 - Visu12 - Visu13 - Visu14 - citedby - citing - kwcount

Geographie-cites/corpusminer-package documentation built on Dec. 3, 2020, 5:33 a.m.