Man pages for Ghoshlab/cytoKernel
Differential expression using kernel-based score test

cytoHDBMWExample of processed dimensionally reduced flow cytometry...
CytoKalphaGeneric function that returns the CytoK level of significance...
CytoK-classthe CytoK class
CytoKDataGeneric function that returns the CytoK Data
CytoKDEDataDifferentially expressed data by cytoKernel
CytoKDEfeaturesGeneric function that returns the CytoK Differentially...
CytoKFeaturesGeneric function that returns the CytoK features
CytoKFeaturesOrderedGeneric function that returns the ordered CytoK features
CytoKFeatureVarsGeneric function that returns the CytoK Feature Vars
data.frameORSummarizedExperiment-classS4 Class union
plotCytoKHeatmap of the differentially expressed data with features on...
vectorORNull-classS4 Class union
Ghoshlab/cytoKernel documentation built on Dec. 17, 2021, 9:32 p.m.