Man pages for Gitmaxwell/lastools
Tools for reading/writing and maniplulating Canadian Well Logging Society (CWLS) Format V1.2 or 2.0 LAS Files as R Objects

example_las_objAn example of a LAS object.
las_convert_v2-setChange the version of the LAS object to 2.0
las_descending-setChange the depth order of a LAS object in place
las_plotPlot a LAS file
las_remove_uwi-setRemove the UWI line in the WELL table
las_set_start_depth-setChange the start depth of a LAS object in place
las_trim_well_id-setRemove the UWI line in the WELL table
las_version-setConvert the version number of a LAS object
read_lasRead a LAS file
read_las_data_dtRead las log data to data table
read_las_data_dtlRead las log data to data table
read_las_mnemonics_dfRead las curve mnemonics data to data frame
write_lasWrite LAS object to LAS file
Gitmaxwell/lastools documentation built on May 16, 2020, 2:46 p.m.