Man pages for GiulioGenova/SBR
A package to compute water balance in South Tyrol

buildMapCreate the leaflet Map
ETComputes Evapotraspiration using PenmanMonteith from data...
ET_PenmanMonteithComputes Evapotraspiration using PenmanMonteith: modified...
forecastGet data from wheater forecas of province of Bozen sensors...
get_BR_dataGet data from SBR monitoring stations.
getClosestStationsGet closest province of Bozen and SBR stations
get_provBz_dataGet data from province of Bozen monitoring stations.
get_provBz_sensorsGet data from province of Bozen sensors. Internal function
mergeDataMerge data of a location - using closest province of Bozen...
mergeEtAndForecastmerge data from wheater forecast and et average data
mergeOldAndForecastmerge et and precipitation data from wheater forecast and...
plotIrrigAdviceplot the data of irrigation advice
plotIrrigAdvice2plot the data of irrigation advice
plotSBRdataplot data form SBR stations with plotly
run_applaunch shiny app
templateImgcreate an html template for image
templatePastWtrcreate an html template for the past weather
WBComputes computes water balace from evapotranspiration and...
GiulioGenova/SBR documentation built on Feb. 25, 2020, 7:35 p.m.