Man pages for GlossyBoat/foqat
Field Observation Quick Analysis Toolkit

afpCalculate aerosol formation potential
anylmAnalysis of linear regression for time series in batch
aqiDemo data of air quality
avriCalculate average of variation
dm8nCalculate daily maximum-8-hour ozone
dm8n_batchCalculate daily maximum-8-hour ozone in batch
dm8n_npCalculate daily maximum-8-hour ozone without printing plot
fmformat the theme of plot
geom_avriPlot the average variation
geom_avri_batchPlot the average variation in batch
geom_psdPlot the time series of particle size distribution.
geom_tsPlot time series
geom_ts_batchPlot time series in batch
geom_tswPlot time series
kohget kOH
lohCalculate OH reactivity
metDemo data of meteorology
nsvpCalculate Surface Area, Volume, Mass of particle by particle...
ofpCalculate ozone formation potential
propConvert time series into proportion time series
setup_tuvDemo data of setup for tuv
statdfSummary of dataframe
svriCompute the variation of summary statistics
transpConvert the format of particle size data
trsResample time series by summary statistics
tuvCalculate TUV in batch
tuv_batchCalculate TUV in Batch Online
tuv_coreCalculate TUV Online
vocDemo data of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
vocctConvertion and analysis of VOC concentrations
GlossyBoat/foqat documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 1:27 p.m.