jggEarthquake package

The functions provided by this package use data from the U.S. National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Significant Earthquake Database.

Required set-up for this package

Currently, this package exists in a development version on GitHub. To use the package, you need to install it directly from GitHub using the install_github function from devtools.

You can use the following code to install the development version of jggEarthquake:


Sample data included with the package

Users may access a sample dataframe by running the code below.


The raw data file for this data frame is in tab delimited format can be accessed (and saved to your currrent working directory) by running the following:

data_raw <-system.file("extdata", "signif.txt", package = "jggEarthquake")
data_raw_wd <- fread("./signif.txt")


Basic functions

According the requirements of project, following functions are available:

Wrapper functions

But to simplify the use some wrappers has been added:

Functions detail


Takes the raw data set from NOAA server or from local system

# Download data set from Server
data_raw <- eq_get_data()

# Load data set from local
data_raw_wd <- eq_get_data("inst/extdata/signif.txt")


Takes the raw data set and make it tidy. Include new fields; DATE, LATITUDE, LONGITUDE and RITCHER as primary magnitude

data_clean <- eq_clean_data(data_raw)


Takes the raw data set and modified the column LOCATION_NAME to strip out country names and reformats to title case. It is automatically called from eq_clean_data

data_loc = eq_location_clean(data_raw)


#### eq_load_data

Wrapper to eq_get_data + eq_clean_data

# Download data set from Server
data_clean <- eq_load_data()
# Load data set from local
data_clean <- eq_load_data("inst/extdata/signif.txt")


A ggplot2 graphical function to plot a timeline of earthquakes from cleaned data. The plot indicates the magnitude of each earthquake and number of deaths.

Aesthetics supported:

ggplot(data_clean) +
                       xmin = 2000,xmax = 2016


A ggplot2 graphical function to plot a timeline of earthquakes from cleaned data adding labels to n-largest earthquakes by magnitude.

Aesthetics supported:

ggplot(data_clean) +
     geom_timeline_label(aes(x=DATE, colour=DEATHS, fill=DEATHS, size=RITCHER,
                             xmin = 2000, xmax = 2016,nmax = 5)


A wrapper function to help generate timeline visualisations easier. Parameters:

eq_geom_timeline(eq_data_clean, xmin=0, xmax=2016, countries=c("USA", "CHINA"))


A wrapper function to help generate timeline with labels visualisations easier.


                      ,countries=c("USA", "CHINA"))


A function to generate an interactive map showing earthquakes for a particular country. The user specifies a column from the data which the earthquake is to be annotated by eg date.

eq_clean_data(eq_data_raw) %>% 
     dplyr::filter(COUNTRY == "MEXICO" & lubridate::year(date) >= 2000) %>% 


A function to generate a custom popup box for a selected earthquake showing location, magnitude and total deaths.

eq_clean_data(eq_data_raw) %>% 
     eq_location_clean() %>% 
     dplyr::filter(COUNTRY == "MEXICO" & lubridate::year(date) >= 2000) %>% 
     dplyr::mutate(popup_text = eq_create_label(.)) %>% 


The package also contains a new theme theme_timeline for use with geom_timeline and geom_timeline_label. It is applied automatically when using get_timeline and get_timeline_label.

There are two custom grobs and a custom stat included with the package which are used by the geom_ functions. These are geomTimeline, geomTimelineLabel and StatTimeline.

Grandez/JGGEarthquake documentation built on May 28, 2019, 12:39 p.m.