
shinyLikert examples

Gregor de Cillia

Here you will find some examples of the usage of shinyLikert. If you want to run those examples yourself, you will have to istall shinyLikert like so


Link | Description ----------------|------------------------------ misc | Simple examples on how to use shinyLikert cattellData | Quick overview of Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test. The raw data can be found here. chisqTest | some applications of the Chi-Square Test of Homogeneity factorOverview| Demonstration of the renderFactorOverview function ui-server | Shows how to use this package in a ui/server setup hfactors | Gives an overview how several dropdown factors interact reactiveInputs| Demonstartes how to pass reactive expressions to renderShinyLikert

The example below shows some functionalities of the package and has been included from http://gregor-de-cillia.xyz/shiny/shinyLikert/examples/shinyTest/

  height=800, width=900, frameborder=0,


GregorDeCillia/shinyLikert documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:36 p.m.