The shinyLikert package is meant to be used in interactive sessions. There are basically tow ways to run interactive content: shinyMarkdown files and standalone apps using a ui/server setup. These examples will show you how to use the latter.

In the R terminal

To use the package in the console, you can use the command shinyApp for interactivity. For example, you can copy/paste the following in your console.


Now a new window will open showing the following output.

       ui= fluidPage(
         uiOutput( "selector" ),
         uiOutput( "plot" )
       server = function(input,output,session){
         testData3 = createTestData()
         rendered = renderFactorOverview(
         output$plot     = renderUI({rendered$plot})
         output$selector = renderUI({rendered$selector})

Note that the output object is used to transfer the plot and selector from the server to the ui.

With ui.R and server.R as seperate scripts

Alternatively, you can create two files ui.R and server.R containing the ui and server arguments wrapped by shinyUI and shinyServer. Then place them in the same folder. Here is the content of ui.R

    uiOutput( "selector" ),
    uiOutput( "plot" )

the server.R file should look as follows

  function(input, output) {
    testData3 = createTestData()
    rendered = renderFactorOverview(
    output$plot     = renderUI({rendered$plot})
    output$selector = renderUI({rendered$selector})

Now you can run the app using

runApp( "path/to/folder/containing/ui.R/and/server.R" )

The path can be either global or local to your working directory (see ?getwd for help). The defailt argument of runApp is our current working directory. This means, you can run the app with


in case your working directory is the one containing the ui.R and server.R files.

Compability with RMarkdown files

copying the above shinyApp command into a chunk of a ShinyMarkdown also works. The app then appears inside the document.

Another example

Here is another example of a ui/server setup.

    ui= fluidPage(
        uiOutput( "rendered" )
    server = function(input,output,session){
      testData3 = createTestData()
      rendered = renderShinyLikert( 
        testData3 ,
        dropdown = "gender" )

      output$rendered = renderUI( plot( rendered ) )
    options = list(height = 600)

GregorDeCillia/shinyLikert documentation built on May 6, 2019, 6:36 p.m.