
#' Package: InvBag
#' Type: Package
#' Title: Implementation of the Inverse Bagging algorithm
#' Version: 0.1.0
#' Date: 22.02.2019
#' Author: AMVA4NewPhysics Authors
#' Maintainer: Grzegorz Kotkowski <grzegorzmichal.kotkowski@studenti.unipd.it>
#'   Description: The package is an R implementation of the Inverse Bagging algorithm. Given two sets: a training one containing observations from a certain distribution and a testing one which can include as well anomalous observations generated from a different unknown distribution; the algorithm returns scores for the testing set observations related to evidence of their anomalous propoerties.
#' License: GPL-3
#' References:  Vischia, P. and Tommaso D., "The Inverse Bagging Algorithm: Anomaly Detection by Inverse Bootstrap Aggregating." EPJ Web of Conferences. Vol. 137. EDP Sciences, 2017.
#' Encoding: UTF-8
Grzes91/InvBag documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:19 a.m.