Man pages for Gtmille2/twoStageSeamless
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)

gA function to calculate G in the Pocock Design and return a...
genCovValuesGenerate covariate Values
get.samplesizeSample Size Function
get.t.oneOne Treatment Test Statistic
get.t.twoTwo Treatment Test Statistic
pbrPBR Function
psdFunction for returning treatment assignments in Pocock's...
sampleSizeOnesamplesizeone calculates the sample size for a one treatment...
sampleSizetwosamplesizetwo calculates the sample size for a two treatment...
simulatedata.carSimulate Data For CAR Function
spbdspbd Function
Gtmille2/twoStageSeamless documentation built on Oct. 30, 2019, 6:36 p.m.