
##                                 ##
## ggbreak package is much better  ##
##                                 ##

## ##' prototype of using facet_grid to mimic axis break
## ##'
## ##'
## ##' @title ggbaxis
## ##' @param p ggplot object
## ##' @param axis one of 'x' or 'y'
## ##' @param breaks break interval
## ##' @return ggplot object
## ##' @importFrom ggfun get_aes_var
## ##' @importFrom ggplot2 facet_grid
## ##' @export
## ##' @examples
## ##' \dontrun{
## ##' d = data.frame(x=c(rnorm(5)+4,rnorm(5)+20,rnorm(5)+5,rnorm(5)+22), y=1:20)
## ##' mymin = function(x) ifelse(x <= 7, 0, 17)
## ##' p <- ggplot(d, aes(x, y)) + geom_rect(aes(xmin=mymin(x), xmax=x, ymin=y-.4, ymax=y+.4))
## ##' ggbaxis(p, axis="x", breaks=c(7, 17))
## ##' }
## ##' @author guangchuang yu
## ggbaxis <- function(p, axis="x", breaks) {

##     d = p$data
##     if (axis == "x") {
##         v = get_aes_var(p$mapping, "x")
##     } else {
##         v = get_aes_var(p$mapping, "y")
##     }
##     d$.type = NA
##     d$.type[d[[v]] < breaks[1]] = "p1"
##     d$.type[d[[v]] > breaks[2]] = "p2"
##     d <- d[!is.na(d$.type),]
##     d2 <- d[d$.type == "p2",]

##     d2[[v]] = breaks[1]
##     d2$.type = "p1"
##     d = rbind(d, d2)
##     p$data = d
##     p + facet_grid(.~.type, scales = "free") +
##         theme(strip.text=element_blank())

## }
GuangchuangYu/yyplot documentation built on June 17, 2022, 5:34 p.m.