read_excel_allsheets: Read all Excel sheets using 'readxl::read_excel()'...

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read_excel_allsheetsR Documentation

Read all Excel sheets using readxl::read_excel() recursively


The Excel file is read and the values are placed in a list of tibbles, with each sheet in a separate element in the list. If the Excel file has only one sheet, the output is a single tibble.

The Excel file is read and the values are placed in a list of tibbles, with each sheet in a separate element in the list. If the Excel file has only one sheet, the output is a single tibble.


read_excel_allsheets(filename, sheets = "", keep_as_list = FALSE)

read_excel_allsheets(filename, sheets = "", keep_as_list = FALSE)



A character string of the path of the Excel file.


A vector containing only the sheets to be read.


A Boolean to say whether the object should be a list or a tibble, when there is only one sheet provided. FALSE by default.


A list of tibbles corresponding to the sheets read, or a single tibble if the number of sheets is one.

A list of tibbles corresponding to the sheets read, or a single tibble if the number of sheets is one.

See Also





try(read_excel_allsheets(filename = tempfile()), silent = TRUE)



try(read_excel_allsheets(filename = tempfile()), silent = TRUE)


GuiFabre/fabR documentation built on April 22, 2024, 6:42 p.m.