Man pages for GuillermoPachecoGit/Robgit
Resistant Procrustes Superimposition

cmdistance_RPSThis function computes the least-squares Procrustes distance...
eucunivMDS_RPSGiven a n x n distance matrix D (not necessarily Euclidean)...
matchingsymm_RPSThis function obtains the individual resistant-symmetric...
objectsymm_RPSThis function obtains the individual resistant-symmetric...
procrustesCM_RPSThis function s simply a wrapper for the geomorph function...
readlandtxtMorphJ_RPSReads a MorphoJ .txt file and returns it as an array of n x k...
resdistance_RPSThis function computes the a resistant distance between each...
resunivMDS_RPSGiven a n x n distance matrix D (not necessarily Euclidean)...
single-quote-RPS-single-quoteResistant Procrustes Superposition Package in R (RPS): a...
GuillermoPachecoGit/Robgit documentation built on May 29, 2019, 11:41 a.m.