Man pages for HARPgroup/cbp6

average_baseflowBaseflow Metric Function
drought_of_recordDrought of Record Metric Function
flow_exceedanceFlow Exceedance Probability Metric Function
fn_ALL_upstreamUpstream Segments Function
fn_gage_and_seg_mapperRiver Segment GIS Mapper Metric Function
fn_iha_7q107Q10 Metric Function
fn_iha_DORDrought of Record Flow Metric Function
fn_iha_DOR_YearDrought of Record Year Metric Function
fn_iha_mhfMonthly High Flow Metric Function
fn_iha_mlfMonthly Low Flow Metric Function
fn_upstreamUpstream Segment Function
getFeatureGet Feature Function
getPropertyGet Property Function
getWatershedDFGet Watershed Dataframe Function
import_gage_data_cfsImport USGS Gage Information Function
low_yearly_meanLowest Yearly Mean Metric Function
metrics_calc_allBaseflow Metric Function
metrics_comparePercent Difference of Metrics Function
model_import_data_cfsImport USGS Gage Information Function
monthly_maxMonthly Maximum Metric Function
monthly_meanMonthly Mean Metric Function
monthly_minMonthly Minimum Metric Function
num_day_maxSpecified Day Maximum Metric Function
num_day_minSpecified Day Minimum Metric Function
overall_mean_flowOverall Mean Flow Metric Function
postPropertyPost Property Function
rest_tokenRest Token Function
sept_10_flowSeptember 10pct Metric Function
seven_q_ten7Q10 Metric Function
vahydro_import_all_metricsImport All Metrics from VAHydro Function
vahydro_import_metricImport Metric from VAHydro Function
vahydro_post_metricImport Post Metric from VAHydro Function
water_year_trimTrimming Data to Water Year Function
HARPgroup/cbp6 documentation built on Nov. 8, 2022, 1:22 a.m.