This is an R Bioconductor Annotation package with the greengenes 13.5 database. ( The database data is formatted as a MgDb-class object defined in the metagenomeFeatures Bioconductor package (

The package is available from (bioconductor)[]

To install the development version of the package: 1. You need to use the development version of metagenomeFeatures, which can be installed using devtools::install_github.


2. Download the source version of the annotation package
We have provided a link to a source version of the package with the database files as the database files are too large to include in the github repository. 

wget -v -O greengenes13.5MgDb_1.9.0.tar.gz

3. Install using the downloaded file.  

install.packages("greengenes13.5MgDb_1.9.0.tgz", repo = NULL) ```

The metagenomeFeatures package has vignettes demonstrating how to work with MgDb-class objects.

HCBravoLab/greengenes13.5MgDb documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:45 p.m.