Man pages for HSPS-DataScience/HSPSUtils
Utility Functions Used By Henry Schein One Data Science

dot-is_categorical_colChecks column data type for either character or factor (a...
dot-select_non_id_columnsIn some cases, it is important to exclude ID variables from...
gather_group_by_countGather, group_by the generated key and value, count, then...
grapes-decorates-grapesDefines a generic decorator to be used by other closures (or...
handle_exceptionshandle exceptions: decorator safely handle errors and...
read_data_from_pathRead in any data from a file path provided by the user
sample_n_groupsdplyr::sample_n lacks the functionality of sampling group_by...
split_type_colnames_by_numSplits all columns of same type into n groups (3 by default)....
HSPS-DataScience/HSPSUtils documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:37 a.m.