Man pages for Habet/CSE270
CS270 Sports Analytics

eplData on English Premier League, 2000-2023:
f_data_smData on football matches from
final_tableFinal League table
mlb_salaryMLB salaries, 1999-2023
mlb_standingsMLB final standings, 1999-2017, Regular season
nba12NBA stint time statistics for calculation of plus/minus/...
nba12pNBA player statistics for 2011-2012 from BasketValue
nba_eastData on NBA final standings, Eastern Conference, 1991-2021
nba_gamesData on NBA games for regular season: 2009-2023
nba_miscMiscellaneous data on NBA team statistics, season 2016-2017
nba_playersNBA Players statistics since 1950
nba_westData on NBA final standings, Western Conference, 1991-2021
nflData on NFL matches/regular season
nfl_stNFL final standings, 1998-2021, Regular season
poissbPoisson Predictor of Winning Probabilities for Two Teams in a...
seriea_stData final standings for Serie A - 1996-2024
transfersData on football transfers. Each row is one transfer
wc_14_finalPassing data from FIFA WC 2014 Final
Habet/CSE270 documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 11:03 a.m.