Man pages for Hackout2/incidence
Computation and Visualisation of Incidence from Line Lists

firstOfMonthFunction to get the first of the month.
get.incidence2Overwrites the get.incidence function for obkData objects to...
get.incidence2-obkData-methodModified obkData method such that doBy statements are...
hagelloch.obkConverted Hagelloch 1861 measles outbreak into obkData...
inc2xtsHelper function to format a get.incidence list of data.frames...
incidenceincidence: a package for visualisating incidence based on...
linelist2xtsSimple Date based aggregation based on the data.table...
mapIncidencePlot incidence time series using histograms
mondayFunction to get the monday of the corresponding week a date...
plotIncidencePlot incidence time series using histograms
toy#' #' Toy outbreak dataset
wdaymonVersion of the wday function from lubridate, where the monday...
zombie_outbreak#' #' Zombie outbreak dataset
Hackout2/incidence documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:47 p.m.