
#' @name aws.ec2-package
#' @aliases aws.ec2-package aws.ec2
#' @docType package
#' @title AWS EC2 Client Package
#' @description A simple client package for the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) REST API.
#' @details The examples below provide a complete workflow for setting up EC2 via this package and launching an instance.
#' @author Thomas J. Leeper <thosjleeper@gmail.com>
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # check credentials
#' aws.signature::locate_credentials()
#' # check EC2 account settings
#' account_attrs()
#' # create an SSH keypair in EC2 and save locally
#' my_keypair <- create_keypair("r-ec2-example")
#' pem_file <- tempfile(fileext = ".pem")
#' cat(my_keypair$keyMaterial, file = pem_file)
#' # create a "security group" allowing access from current IP
#' my_sg <- create_sgroup("r-ec2-sg", "Allow my IP")
#' ## authorize access from this IP
#' try(authorize_ingress(my_sg))
#' try(authorize_egress(my_sg))
#' # find an EC2 AMI, like: http://www.louisaslett.com/RStudio_AMI/
#' my_image <- "ami-3b0c205e"
#' # Launch the instance using appropriate settings
#' my_inst <- run_instances(image = my_image,
#'                          type = "t2.nano",
#'                          sgroup = my_sg,
#'                          keypair = my_keypair)
#' Sys.sleep(5L) # wait for instance to boot
#' # allocate an IPv4 address
#' ip <- allocate_ip("vpc")
#' # associate IP with instane
#' associate_ip(my_inst, ip)
#' # login to instance through browser
#' utils::browseURL(ip)
#' # login to instance through R
#' library("ssh")
#' session <- ssh::ssh_connect(paste0("ubuntu@", instance_ip), keyfile = pem_file, passwd = "rstudio")
#' # write a quick little R script to execute
#' cat("'hello world!'\nsprintf('2+2 is %d', 2+2)\n", file = "helloworld.R")
#' # upload it to instance
#' invisible(ssh::scp_upload(session, "helloworld.R"))
#' # execute script on instance
#' x <- ssh::ssh_exec_wait(session, "Rscript helloworld.R")
#' ## disconnect from instance
#' ssh:ssh_disconnect(session)
#' # create an image from the instance to reuse later
#' my_image <- create_image(my_inst, "My Rstudio Image")
#' # when finished, completely cleanup all EC2 material
#' ## stop and terminate the instance
#' stop_instances(i[[1L]])
#' terminate_instances(i[[1L]])
#' ## revoke access from this IP to security group
#' try(revoke_ingress(my_sg))
#' try(revoke_egress(my_sg))
#' ## delete keypair
#' delete_keypair(my_keypair)
#' ## release IP address
#' release_ip(ips[[1L]])
#' }
#' @keywords package 
#' @seealso [account_attrs()] [run_instances()]
HanjoStudy/awsR documentation built on May 6, 2019, 9:06 a.m.