
#' The overall dataset of city data with all observations
#' This data provides various of indicators which measure the life quality in cities all over the world.
#' It includes some missing values.
#' @format A data.frame with 514 rows and 45 columns.
#' \describe{
#'   \item{City}{Cities}
#'   \item{Housing}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Cost of Living}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Startups}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Venture Capital}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Travel Connectivity}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Commute}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Business Freedom}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Safety}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Healthcare}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Education}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Environment Quality}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Economy}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Taxation}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Internet Access}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Leisure & culture}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Tolerance}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Outdoors}{Score out of 10}
#'   \item{Cost.of.Living.Index}{The ratio to New York City. New York City is 100}
#'   \item{Rent.Index}{The ratio to New York City. New York City is 100.}
#'   \item{Cost.of.Living.Plus.Rent.Index}{The ratio to New York City. New York City is 100}
#'   \item{Groceries.Index}{The ratio to New York City. New York City is 100}
#'   \item{Restaurant.Price.Index}{The ratio to New York City. New York City is 100}
#'   \item{Local.Purchasing.Power.Index}{The ratio to New York City. New York City is 100}
#'   \item{Level of crime}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Crime increasing in the past 3 years}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries home broken and things stolen}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries being mugged or robbed}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries car stolen}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries things from car stolen}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries attacked}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries being insulted}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Worries being subject to a physical attack because of your skin colour}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Problem people using or dealing drugs}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Problem property crimes such as vandalism and theft}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Problem violent crimes such as assault and armed robbery}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Problem corruption and bribery}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Purchasing Power Index}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Safety Index}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Health Care Index}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Climate Index}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Property Price to Income Ratio	}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Traffic Commute Time Index}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Pollution Index}{scale from 0 to 100}
#'   \item{Quality of Life Index:}{scale from 0 to 100}
#' }
#' @source  \url{https://www.numbeo.com}
#'          \url{https://www.teleport.com}
HaoxiangXue/CityLiving documentation built on May 17, 2019, 1:12 a.m.