
Defines functions relocate_all

Documented in relocate_all

#' Relocate All
#' Arranges columns alphabetically and then by type
#' The user can supply a tidyselect argument to specify columns that should come first
#' @param .data data frame
#' @param ... a tidyselect specification
#' @param regex a regular expression to match columns that will be put at the front of the df
#' @return data frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' iris %>%
#' head %>%
#' relocate_all(matches("Petal"))
relocate_all <- function(.data, ..., regex = NULL){

  .data %>%
    get_headers()  -> hdrs

  .data %>%
    select_otherwise(tidyselect::everything(), return_type = "names") %>% sort() -> cols

.data %>%
  dplyr::relocate(tidyselect::any_of(cols)) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(where(is.double)) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(where(rlang::is_integer)) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(where(is.factor)) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(where(is_integerish_character)) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(where(is.character)) -> d1

for(h in hdrs){
  d1 %>%
    dplyr::relocate(tidyselect::any_of(h) & (!where(is.double))) -> d1

   d1 %>%
     dplyr::relocate(tidyselect::matches(regex)) -> d1}
d1 %>%
     dplyr::relocate(where(lubridate::is.Date)) -> d2


Harrison4192/dataCleaner documentation built on March 20, 2024, 3:12 p.m.