try(detach("package:SASmarkdown"), silent=TRUE)

This discussion assumes you have a basic understanding of Markdown for document formatting, Rmarkdown to include executable code in a document, and SAS to write the code.

SASmarkdown defines six knitr engines, to return different combinations of SAS code, SAS listing output, SAS HTML output, and SAS log output for use in your document.

SASmarkdown also defines several knitr chunk (code block) options for working with SAS output.

Set up your SAS engine configuration.

The details depend on your operating system, the version of SAS, and whether or not you have SAS installed in a default location.

```r `r ''`

This defines six knitr engines

These are ordinarily used in pairs, to give you access to the code, log, and output format you prefer.

If SAS is not found, you will have to define the engine path and any engine options in your document. For example

```r `r ''`
saspath <- "C:/Program Files/SASHome/SASFoundation/9.4/sas.exe"
sasopts <- "-nosplash -ls 75" # '-nosplash' fails in some unix terminals
knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.path=list(sas=saspath, saslog=saspath),
                  engine.opts=list(sas=sasopts, saslog=sasopts), 

Set up SAS code chunks.

A simple code chunk in your document might look like:

```{sas example1} `r ''`
proc means data=sashelp.class (keep = age);

And in your document this would produce: ```{sas example1} proc means data=sashelp.class (keep = age); run;

## HTML output.
HTML gives you a method of embedding SAS tables and graphs
directly in your document.

Switch the engine specification to **sashtml**.  This example 
suppresses the code echo with the `echo=FALSE` chunk option.

    ```{sashtml example2, echo=FALSE} `r ''`
    proc means data=sashelp.class (keep = age);

Which produces:
```{sashtml example2, echo=FALSE}
proc means data=sashelp.class (keep = age);

HTML with graphics.

If you use the sashtml engine, nothing special is required to include SAS ODS graphics.

```{sashtml example3} `r ''`
proc corr data=sashelp.class nosimple plots=matrix;

Producing: ```{sashtml example3} proc corr data=sashelp.class nosimple plots=matrix; run;

## Show SAS log files.
We can repeat the first example, showing the SAS log instead of
the SAS code by using the **saslog** engine.

    ```{saslog example4} `r ''`

```{saslog example4}
proc means data=sashelp.class (keep = age);

Repeat with both log and html output.

Finally, you can have both the SAS log and the HTML output with the sashtmllog engine.

```{sashtmllog example1} `r ''`

Producing: {sashtmllog example1}

Hemken/SASmarkdown documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 11:26 p.m.