try(detach("package:SASmarkdown"), silent=TRUE)

Linking SAS code chunks makes use of SAS\'s file. When you attach the SASmarkdown library, a chunk option is set up to place chunks in an autoexc file.

Configure the SAS engine


Set up to carry over

To have the result of one code chunk available to use in a later code chunk, set the chunk option collectcode=TRUE.

In this example, a data set is copied to the WORK library and only one variable is kept.

In Rmarkdown this would look like:

```{sas datastep, collectcode=TRUE} `r ''`
data class;
    set sashelp.class;
    keep age;

And in your final document it would appear as: ```{sas datastep, collectcode=TRUE} data class; set sashelp.class; keep age; run;

## Using the previous code chunk
Without **collectcode** to link the code chunks, a later
chunk that referenced the data in the WORK library would
produce an error, but this now works.  (No special option
is needed for this later step.)
```{sas procmeans, error=TRUE}
proc means data=class;

Hemken/SASmarkdown documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 11:26 p.m.